Saranac Lake: it's decidedly different
Different brands or logos are confusing and they dilute our position in the marketplace. We want to put in the time and effort to identify one cohesive message that resonates with both the community and our visitors, and that will represent the area as a great place to visit, live, and do business.

It's more than a logo or a tagline
A brand is a unique image and message that increases awareness of the community for both tourism and economic development when adopted and integrated consistently. A brand reflects the customer’s impression of a product, destination, or organization.
The process
In late 2017 the Saranac Lake region, in conjunction with the Regional Office of Sustainable Tourism (ROOST), embarked on a year-long process to build a new unified brand. Building a brand is a five-step collaborative process:
1. Identifying a common goal
2. Research
3. Establishing the brand message
4. Design
5. Implementation
Find out more about the Saranac Lake Brand Study.

Brand study advisory panel
- Carolyn Bordonaro / Hotel Saranac, Tourism Council member
- Jeremy Evans / Franklin County IDA, Saranac Lake School Board member
- Kathy Ford / Hobofest committee, Village Improvement Society member
- Tim Fortune / Small Fortune Studio, Downtown Advisory Board member
- Adam Harris / Grizle T’s, Downtown Advisory Board member
- Tracey Schrader / Town of Harrietstown Board member
- Matt Scollin / Adirondack Health, Tourism Council
- Rich Shapiro / Village of Saranac Lake Board member
- Kareen Tyler / Adirondack Carousel Board member, Kiwanis member
- Katy VanAnden / Lake View Deli Catering, Chamber Board member
Brand study
On April 17, 2018, ROOST and the Advisory Panel convened a public meeting to discuss the brand statement and the results of the brand survey. Find out more about the findings of that study by clicking on the Saranac Lake Image Brand Study.
ROOST compiled the results and identified the recurring threads, then worked with the Advisory Panel, stakeholders, and the community on a final brand.

The Saranac Lake brand
Download the Saranac Lake Brand Book and Guidelines
Download Image files
Download Vector files
If your proposed usage is not covered within these guidelines, or you have any questions, please contact the Regional Office of Sustainable Tourism (ROOST) for assistance before proceeding with design or production.
Contact the Regional Office of Sustainable Tourism:
Saranac Lake Office: (518) 621-3649
Main Office: (518) 523-2445